The statistics in Florida tell a painful story, where only 37 percent of African-American males graduate from high school and only 53 percent of economically disadvantaged children read at grade level. Rather, it recognizes that different children learn in different ways and that our collective struggle is to help the students who often are at the greatest disadvantage in modern education. This choice is not based on whether the public school is judged as succeeding or failing. La Core Christian Elementary School is a private school in Jacksonville, Florida. These scholarships allow the students to consider a participating private school or an out-of-district public school that may better suit their individual needs, an option which already is available to families of greater financial means. Be part of the larger effort to ensure every. Step Up For Students empowers parents to pursue and engage in the most appropriate learning options for their children, with an emphasis on families who lack the information and financial resources to access these options. Step Up For Students is an initiative of the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship Program, an educational plan designed to help low-income families in Florida obtain the best education for their. Every child deserves a chance to succeed. The program provides Tax Credit Scholarships to students in K-12 who come from low-income families. Schools and providers partner with Step Up For Students to provide educational options for children in Florida. Step Up For Students 2,067 followers on LinkedIn. Creates a new program called the Personalized Education Program, or 'PEP'.

Step Up For Students was created to help alleviate the enormous educational challenges faced by children in Florida who live in or near poverty. House Bill 1 Expands eligibility for all K-12 students, regardless of household income, and converts the scholarship into education savings accounts, or ESAs.