One of her recommendation letters stated, “There are very few young individuals that I have had the privilege to know that have Sage’s humble personality and genuine leadership character, combined with a spirit to be competitive and ability to self-reflect and adjust for success.” Lawrence hails from the Northeast Region of the National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA). Lawrence says, “I plan to be a support system, those shoulders to stand or even cry on, and that mentor to all the young kids who are a part of our youth today.” She has been a member of the IJHA board of directors for three years and an active junior in the showring. A freshman at Northern Oklahoma College, she is active on the livestock judging team, while pursuing a degree in animal science with the focus on obtaining her master’s degree and a career as an embryologist. Sage Lawrence, Avilla, Ind., is the 18-year-old daughter of Scott and Susan Lawrence, and a 11-year member of the Indiana Junior Hereford Association (IJHA). His recommender says, “Grant’s passion for the Hereford breed stems from many years of studying the cattle, knowing the breeders and being highly involved in all aspects of the junior association.” Helsinger comes from the Northeast Region of the National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA). He has attended the Faces of Leadership conference and the BOLD conference, crediting both with his personal development and passion for the association. Helsinger says, “My goal as a director is to do three things: elevate, motivate and educate the members of the Hereford breed.” Helsinger has competed in numerous contests at both a state and national level, while also being active with his cattle on both stages. His future career goals are agriculture sales while maintaining his family’s cattle operation. An 11-year member of the Ohio Buckeye Junior Hereford Association, he is a sophomore at Wilmington College, pursuing a degree in agriculture business.

Grant Helsinger, Germantown, Ohio, is the 18-year-old son of Chris and Sarah Helsinger.

Northeast Region – 2 Positions Available Grant Helsinger, Germantown, Ohio Her recommender stated, “Lydia has the motivation, determination and drive to continue the legacy that will make the generations before her incredibly proud.” Shaw hails from the Northwest Region of the National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA). I want members to always be able to “Come Home to Hereford,” even if they are not directly involved in the breed.” At her state level, Shaw has served as the president since 2020, and been an attendee of the Faces of Leadership conference for multiple years. Shaw says, “It is my personal goal for members as they advance into the world that they always have a tie to the Hereford breed. Her career plans are to assist farmers and ranchers with marketing their products. A freshman at the University of Idaho, she is majoring in agricultural science, communications and leadership with a minor in marketing. Lydia Shaw, Caldwell, Idaho, is the 18-year-old daughter of Sam and Janel Shaw and a 10-year member of the Idaho Junior Hereford Association. One of Birdsall’s recommendation letters stated, “his drive for quality improvement, efficient operations, achieving goals and innovation make him an incredible asset to the future of the breed and the cattle industry.” Birdsall hails from the Northwest Region of the National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA). Birdsall says, “When on the board, I will do everything I can to show all the juniors just one example of someone who strives to achieve their dreams and goals.” A high-achieving junior member, Birdsall has been a member of the Wyoming Junior Hereford Association for four years and served as the president since 2021. Currently a freshman at Kansas State University, he is majoring in agriculture economics with plans to pursue a career in agriculture financing. Sam Birdsall, Torrington, Wyo., is the 18-year-old son of Dennis and Heather Birdsall. Northwest Region – 1 Position Available Sam Birdsall, Torrington, Wyo.